Patrocinadores del club de refuerzo atlético de TCHS
El apoyo generoso de las empresas locales es una fuente importante de financiación para nuestro club deportivo. Alto
Las escuelas y las empresas participantes se benefician con la publicidad asociada con el apoyo a su comunidad local.
comunidad. Brindamos múltiples vías publicitarias, como la colocación de pancartas en TCHS Athletic
instalaciones, sitio web de TCHS ABC y redes sociales.
Sus donaciones se destinan a becas, banquetes deportivos, chaquetas Varsity Letterman básicas y otros costos no financiados por el Distrito o la UIL.
Si usted es propietario de un negocio o trabaja para una empresa a la que le gustaría participar en el apoyo a su
programas deportivos comunitarios y locales y benefíciese de la exposición a la escuela más grande de Keller ISD,
comuníquese con Katie Altine y/o Brookie para saber cómo comenzar.
¿Niveles de patrocinio?
¿Tenemos niveles de patrocinio?
Gracias por apoyar a la Escuela Secundaria Timber Creek.
Patrocinadores 2022-2023
2023-2024 Advertising Sponsorship Levels
$500.00 (Nest Advertising Sponsor)
Logo on the TCHS ABC website | Our website - www.TCHSABC.com |
Logo on ALL OUR social media platforms - SportsYou | Facebook | Twitter | and Instagram. You will be featured as a spotlight sponsor twice a year.
Logo on TCHS Athletic Booster Club Roster QR code, which is distributed for Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, and Soccer
$1,000.00 (Falcon Advertising Sponsor)
All digital marketing from the Nest level plus:
Ads on the TCTV ran throughout the school all year long
FULL YEAR - 3ft by 5ft ADVERTISEMENT BANNER hung at TCHS stadium (will be seen by fans at all home JV Football, 9th grade football, Soccer, Cross Country, and Track events and additionally by independent organizations using the stadium on weeknights and weekends.).
$2,000.00 (Gold Advertising Sponsor)
All digital and banner marketing from the Falcon level plus:
Gold Level banner hung at every game played at TCHS, an average of 75 to 90 games per year.
Company name announced during home games.
Thank you plaque to hang at place of business
*Payment must be received in full before Advertising Sponsorship will be activated.
The deadline to submit a logo for FALCON and GOLD is August 5th.
Once you have submitted the form below a representative from TCHSABC will contact you to complete any additional steps
For more information contact: TCHS Athletic Booster Club at tchsabcsponsorship@gmail.com
1Vision is teaming with TCHS Athletic Booster Club to offer advertising to our sponsors at the Keller ISD Stadium. Many different options available to fit your advertising needs.

Trackable impressions at live events with deeper reach than other out of home advertisements
Emotional connections with communities proven to support their sponsors
Booth opportunities during games you sponsor
For impression stats email us at TCHSABCSPONSORSHIP@gmail.com